

The firm “Energy Plus Albania Sh.p.k.” established on 7th February, 2014,  is controlled by  “Energy Plus Snc” Italian company with headquarters in Venice; its founders exercise that activity since half of 1995.

On the basis of professional experience consolidated and qualified, “Energy Plus Albania” is able to operate efficiently in all sectors of “global sefaty of productive and unproductive activities”.
In particular, it provides specialized consultancy and makes training with high level of the employee and employer personnel regarding legal and technical regulations, that regulate different areas of of productive and unproductive activities.


The experience of the founders is originated in the second half of 1995 with attendance of first qualification courses  for the exercise of the charge of the responsible of  the Prevention and Protection Service on the field of health and safety at the workplace.
Since that beginning, their knowledge has come increasingly being consolidated thanks to continuous education and daily pledging in support of enterprises and institutions for the implementation of European legislation and the international health and safety standard such as OHSAS 18001 or environmental management system ISO 14001. Their activities were exercised in the field of safety and health at workplace including construction sites such as Venice MOSE Project; prevention and fire protection;  the environment, i.e. the discharge of gases into the atmosphere and into the current water ecct; food safety (HACCP);  legislation “Seveso” that deals with the high accident risk enterprises; legislation concerning packaging and labeling of dangerous substances until the entry into thr force of the European CLP Regulations no. No. 1272/2008 and REACH regualtions nr. 1907/2006.

That’s why “Energy Plus Albania” is able to offer you qualified consultancy.

Clients and partners

The firm “Energy Plus Albania” has a short experience in Albania (it has started its activity in the month of Feb 2014), but in fact its founder have an almost twenty-year experience in Italy (the Italian firm that controls it ” Energy Plus Snc “).

In Albania it has been / continues to have as a client, “Dondi Kubota Join Venture Ltd” which is implementing the project processing sewage of the Tirana city “Kaldaja”, Durres, Gener 2-Sicilsaldo in Tirana for the project of TAP, Cement Factory in Fushe Kruja (FKCF), etc.

In Italy: lots of its clients in the regions of Veneto, Friuli Venezia Giulia, Trentino Alto-Adige, Lombardia and Campania in sector of the industry, construction, transport, commerce, etc. testifies to its reputation. Some of its clients over the years are: CO.MAT.LA Srl for the Venice MOSE project, SIMAR SPA, Industria Chimica Scarmagnan Sas, Fintian Srl, ICB Spa, Risorse Energetiche Srl, Mimeko Srl, Vitruvio Srl, Kchimika Srl, Sudmetal Srl, MKM HOLZER Srl, Cuprum Srl, Burello Trasporti Srl, , GS Servizi etc.

Its activity is supported by partners such as CHEMIE-LAB Srl – Chemical Analysis Laboratory, which is ready to repeat this experience also in Albania. Rnergy Plus Snc had collaborated  with other firms such as GAIA Ambiente srl, Studio de Ambrosio, etc. etc. Novamodet Srl. etc.

Energy Plus Snc

Energy Plus Albania Sh.p.k