Introduction: According to law no. 10237/2010, article 7, point 5, letter a), Health and Safety Officers must have the appropriate skills and qualifications, while in point 5.2 of annex V, of VKM no. 312 of 5 May 2010 determines the training requirements of Health and Safety Officers with a certificate from the public or private structure, while in point 5.5 of the same annex is defined the validity period of the certificate (5 years). Through this course, it is intended to train this necessary figure for the spread of safety culture in companies and institutions as well as in the implementation of legislation and technical regulations related to safety and health at work.
To whom it is addressed: The course is addressed to all persons interested, appointed, or seeking to work as “Responsible for Occupational Safety and Health”, as well as to all persons who deal with occupational safety and health issues in the company/institutions.
Objective: Gaining knowledge especially on issues related to norms related to risks and injuries at work, preventive measures to eliminate or reduce them, methodological criteria for risk assessment, the content of the risk assessment document, management of emergencies, etc.
Course Duration: 120 hours
Content: The course provides basic information on the requirements of the Albanian legal framework (Law no. 10237/2010,VKM no. 312/2010 and other bylaws) as well as European norms in the field of Safety and Health at Work, deals in detail with legal obligations and ways of their completion & implementation in the field by the “Head of Occupational Safety and Health” so that each activity takes place in a safe and healthy work environment The course is based on the best experiences of companies in the European Union in this field.
Course development methodology: In order to maintain a high level of attention of the participants throughout the training course as well as to promote the acquisition of arguments, will be given space the interactive methods between the participants even with the solution of concrete cases on security in companies brought by the trainees themselves. At the end of the course, there will be a verification of the level of acquisition.
Certificate: Energy Plus Albania licensed (License NLC, Code X.2.B, No. LN-8413-08-2014) by QKL and approved by the relevant ministry, after successfully passing the written test, provide trainees with a Certificate valid for 5 (five) years.